It's transportation week! We will talk about many different types of transportation and what makes it all go.
Transportation is how we move from place to place using a vehicle. There are many different types of vehicles such as cars and trucks, trains, airplanes, buses, boats, helicopters, and bicycles. Each of these allow us to get to where we need to go more quickly than walking. In some cases, we wouldn't be able to get to a place without using transportation! Boats and airplanes can take us places we can't easily walk to.
Which types of transportation has wheels? How about wings? Which kind uses a track? A tricky one is: what type of transportation uses a propeller?
LETTER: G g (Go!)
First trace the letter with your finger. Talk about the sound that it makes. Allow the children to trace the letter with a crayon.
Red Light, Green Light!
When we are driving in our cars and trucks, there are traffic lights that let us know when we have to stop and when it is safe to go. This game will also be all about stopping and going and also following directions.
What Floats?
Boats can float. They can take us for rides on the water. What else can float? This is a fun experiment to find out!
Materials Needed:
Large, shallow container
Toy Cars
Toy Boats
Aluminum Foil Ball
Aluminum Foil Flat
Whatever else you want to try!
Fill the container with water, leaving a little space at the top. Allow the kiddos to feel each of the items and talk about if they are heavy or light, hard or soft. Ask them if they think they will float or sink. You may have to demonstrate with one of the items. Try the pebble. This item is hard and heavy. It will probably sink in the water. Drop it in and watch what happens. Try another item. Make sure to ask the questions first! What do they think will happen? Continue with each item, allowing them to explore and hypothesize!
Hot Air Ballon Shapes Activity
Hot Air Balloons are a special type of transportation. When you fill this really big balloon with heated air, the balloon will rise. These balloons carry a basket below them where people can ride!
Print the sheet out. Cut out the shapes at the bottom of the page. Talk about the shapes with the kids. Also, what color are they? Show them an example of putting one of the shapes into the balloon at the top. Have each of the children try one also. Continue through all the shapes.
Make ramps using pieces of wood, boxes, books, or whatever you have on hand. Make one tall and steep. Then make a short ramp which isn't very steep. Send many different objects down the ramps discussing the items and asking the kiddos what they think might happen. For instance, if you send a toy car down either ramp, it should roll really well since it has round wheels. It will go faster down the tall, steep ramp than it will down the short ramp. If you send a square block down, it doesn't roll so it won't go down the short ramp very well. It may go down the tall ramp better. Allow the children to try different objects on each ramp to see what will happen.
Numbers Train
Use the printable pack on There are a bunch of fun activities for transportation on that site. For this lesson, use the train number activity which is near the bottom of the 1st part of the transportation pack.
Print the train and the numbered cars. Cut them all out and place the train on the table with the numbered cars out of order. Have the kids put the numbers in the correct order. Once completed, pull out 2 different numbers from the line and see if they can put them back in the correct spaces. Have them close their eyes and you will remove one of the numbers. Put the train cars back together so there is no space. See if they can tell which number is missing.
Car Painting
Materials Needed:
Small cars, such at hot wheels
Finger Paint
Large, shallow containers
(you can also just squirt a dab of paint onto a paper plate and let them roll the car through it, there is less mess with this method!)
Down By The Station (all about trains!) (Lyrics and sound)
My Bike
1 wheel, 2 wheels
On the ground
My feet make the peddals go round and round
Handle bars help me steer so straight
Down the sidewalk and out the gate
There are TONS to choose from, but these are some of our favorites!
Egg Carton Traffic Lights
Materials Needed:
Egg cartons (each child will need 3 compartments)
Paint or markers
(you could also cut out circles of colored paper in red, yellow and green for the kids to glue in the right places)
Cut out 3 compartments for each kid. Talk about the traffic light. There are 3 circles of lights and each color means something. Green light means ______. (Let them yell it out!) Red light means ______. What does the yellow light mean? Give them the 3 colors and have them complete their traffic lights.
**You could use these for the Red Light/ Green Light activity at the beginning of this lesson!
Get your free printable Groundhog "story" HERE!
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