In the first Circle Time of the week, discuss each of the senses, which part of their bodies are associated with those senses, and how each of them help us make our way through the world.
SIGHT: Our eyes help us see the world around us. We can see our friends and family, the colors of the trees, cars, buildings, and water, the words and pictures in books. Everyone close your eyes, what can you see now?
HEARING: Our ears help us hear the sounds around us. We can hear our mothers talk or sing to us, the birds chirping, wind blowing through the trees, traffic on the road. Everyone be completely quiet for a moment, can you still hear? What can you hear? Cover your ears with your hands. Can you still hear things?
TASTE: Our tongues in our mouths help us taste things. We can taste many different flavors such as sweet, spicy, sour, or bitter. We should only place things we wish to eat into our mouths! Stick your tongue out of your mouth and look at your friend's tongue!
SMELL: Our noses help us smell things in our world. We can smell coffee brewing, the sweetness of flowers, our lunch cooking, dirty laundry. If you squeeze your nose shut, you won't be able to smell very well. That is why it is difficult to smell when your nose is stuffed up! Squeeze your nose shut and talk, you will sound very funny!
TOUCH: Our skin helps us to feel the things around us. We can feel the cold air outside, the fuzziness of our pajamas, the pokey-ness of our hairbrush, the smoothness of the window. Touch the carpet with your hand, it feels very soft!
We have each of these senses to help us understand our world. Use each of your senses when you are learning new things!
Hearing - How Sound Is Made
Materials Needed:
Various sized containers
Chopsticks or wooden spoons for drumsticks
Cellophane paper and extra large balloons
Various materials to bounce on the drums (such as dried beans, rice, flour, marbles)
Rubber bands
Cut the ends of the balloons off (the part you blow into) and pull the ends down over the open tops of the containers. Make sure to also place the cellophane paper over one of them to make a different sounding drum. Secure each with the rubber bands.
Place a pile of rice on one drum, some beans on another and so forth. Tell the children that SOUND is made by vibrating (or shaking) the air. Bang on a drum with a drumstick and show them how the objects on top vibrate when you hit it. You also hear the sound! Show them how the sound changes when you use a larger or smaller drum, different objects on top, or the cellophane paper. Each will make a different sound. Ask them which drum makes the objects bounce higher? What happens if you bang the drum softly? Or hard? Allow the children to bang the drums and make a great big mess! Sound is made by vibrating the air and this is a great way to demonstrate that!
Materials Needed:
Small, plastic cups
Lids for cups or plastic wrap
Cotton Balls
Scented oils, food flavorings, vinegar, perfume, shaving cream, onion, coffee (anything you can have them smell)
Pictures of the items they will be smelling
Gather the different SMELLS. Any perfumes, oils, food flavorings, etc can be dripped onto the cotton balls. Place the items inside the cups and place the lid or plastic wrap on top. Poke a few holes in the lid.
Show the children the pictures of the things they will be smelling. Talk about their sense of smell! We smell things everyday. Some things smell good and some things don't. Ask them what kinds of things they like to smell. What kinds of things smell bad?
Allow them to smell one of the cups. What does it smell like? Give them a selection of 3 or 4 pictures to choose from. When they get it right, put the picture on top of the cup. Continue through your selections and discuss if the smell is good, bad, yummy, etc.
Blocks in Socks
Materials Needed:
Several clean socks
Objects that you can feel through the socks and identify (marbles, blocks, puzzle pieces, toy cars, stuffed toys, spoon, sippy cup)
A soft blanket or other very soft item
We use our hands to TOUCH things and help us understand what they are. Even if you can't see a spoon, you should be able to tell it is a spoon by feeling it with your hands. Have the children close their eyes and ask them to feel the item in front of them. Allow them to feel a soft blanket or something like it. Ask them how it feels. Is it soft? Is it rough? Is it cold?
Now explain that there is something inside the sock you are holding. It is a good idea to tie the open end of the sock so they can't sneak a peak! They should feel the sock and try to guess what it is by how it feels. Allow the children to feel the object and make a guess. Once all guesses are in, open the sock and show them what it is! Let them each feel the item again so they can see how it feels now that they know what it is. Continue with a few more items.
Faces Craft
This one will help to show the different senses. Print the face template HERE. Cut out multiples of each face item (mouth, eyes, noses, ears) from magazines. Talk about each of the parts of the face and what sense goes with them. Allow the children to create their own faces using the cutouts and the face templates.
Egg Carton Color Sorter
Materials Needed:
Egg Carton
Multiple colors of paint or marker
Selection of single colored items that will fit in the egg carton compartments
Color the bottom of each egg compartment. Place the items in a big bowl and tell the children to use their eyes (sense of SIGHT) to separate the items by color by placing them in the compartment with the same color. Once all items are sorted, count how many of each item there are.
5 Senses Book
Print out the FREE printable from Kidzone!
Stained Glass
Materials Needed:
Construction Paper
Wax Paper
Tissue Paper
Tear the tissue paper up into many different pieces. Cut a square out of the center of the construction paper, leaving 1" all the way around. This will be the "frame". Cut the wax paper to fit inside the frame and tape it down on the back so that it shows through the front.
Place the cut up tissue paper and stickers on the table for the children to choose. Give each child a framed wax paper and a glue stick and let them go! These always end up very pretty, especially when you hang them in the windows. We use our sense of SIGHT to see the pretty colors and make this art. Then we can LOOK at the art for many days and enjoy it.
5 Senses Song
5 senses, 5 senses
We have them, we have them
Seeing, hearing, touching,
Tasting and smelling
There are 5
There are 5
Taste Testing!
We can't leave out the very important sense of TASTE! This will take some set up, but will be lots of fun. Choose several different flavors such as sweet, salty, bitter, sour. Tell the children that you are going to taste some different things and decide what flavor they are and if they like them or not. Just make sure that you choose things that they can't choke on and no one is allergic to! Other than that, it is a free-for-all! Have fun with this one.
nice and ever thing is explaned in a nice way
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