What are feelings?
Feelings are what we experience as humans. We feel sad when a friend moves far away. We feel happy when we get a new friend. We feel mad when our friend takes our favorite toy. We feel love for our Mommy and Daddy. Each of these are emotions or feelings.
In order to demonstrate these feelings, provide a mirror for the kids and ask them to act happy while looking in the mirror. Smile and laugh and watch your face. Now act sad. Frown, wrinkle your brow. See the difference? Each of our emotions show on our face as we are feeling them. Try a few more, just for fun!
Print the packet I found on and use them to discuss the different emotions David is feeling. Cut out the first page of emotion cards and lay them face down on the table. Ask each child to chose a card and then guess the emotion portrayed on that card. You can then read them the scenarios on the next pages and have the kids guess which emotion David is feeling.
What is David Feeling?
LETTER: N n for Noisy
The letter N starts the words Noisy, Necklace, Nose, No and Nice. Print the worksheet. Trace the letter with your finger then with a crayon. Color the picture.
This week we will continue on our Long Vowel lessons and begin Long E.
On Work on lesson 7 (Pete's Sheep)
On Long E lesson
Our Long E activity will be to print the puzzle worksheet and out out the puzzle pieces. Sound out the word with the children and see if they can find the matching puzzle pieces. As they make a match, explain the long E sound. It works best to print these out on cardstock.
Feelings In Color
Colors can show how you feel. To begin this experiment, play some happy music and then ask the children to pick a color and draw a picture of how they feel. It doesn't always work, as many children will always pick their favorite color first. Just see what happens. Then give them a fresh piece of paper and play some sorrowful music. Ask them to draw another picture of how they feel now.
Once you are done with this, compare the pictures the children drew. Talk to them about how different colors can show their emotions. Ask them about the colors they chose and why!
People will use different colors to bring about certain feelings in others. For example, if you are feeling angry, you can look at a soothing color like blue and it might help to calm you down. Looking at the color yellow can make you feel happy and excited.
Happy & Sad Sorting
Cut out pictures from magazines of people who look happy and people who look sad. Make a Happy Face and a Sad Face. Shuffle all the people in a pile and place the happy face on one spot and the sad face on another. Ask the children to pick a picture from the pile and look at their face to decide if they look happy or sad. Sort all the pictures and discuss what makes the people look happy or sad.
Paper Plate Numbers
Materials Needed:
10 Clothespins
Paper Plate
Write the numbers 1 - 10 on the clothespins. Divide the paper plate into 10 segments and draw 1 - 10 dots in each segment. Place the numbered clothespins in a bowl. (you can color code the numbers and dots, if you feel like it may help)
Ask each child to pick a clothespin and read the number that is on it. They will then find the correct place on the paper plate to place their number.
ART - Faces
Provide the children with paper and colors. Ask them to draw a happy face and a sad face. Once they are done, ask them what made their faces happy and sad.
CRAFT - Emotional Faces
Check out this craft on DLTK's website! It is pretty simple and can be used for demonstrating many of the feelings you will be talking about this week.
A sweet book which will simply describe some feelings such as happy, sad, scared and proud.
This is a great book for helping preschool kids to learn to express their feelings with words.
MUSIC (and Gross Motor)
If You're Happy and You Know It
What a fantastic song for this week! Use this variation in order to incorporate many emotions into the song:
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, "Clap clap"
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, "Clap clap"
If you're happy and you know it, and you really wanna show it
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. "Clap clap"
If you're mad and you know it stomp your feet, "Stomp stomp"
If you're mad and you know it stomp your feet, "Stomp stomp"
If you're mad and you know it, and you really wanna show it
If you're mad and you know it stomp your feet. "Stomp stomp"
If you're sad and you know it cry out loud BOO HOO,
If you're sad and you know it cry out loud BOO HOO,
If you're sad and you know it, and you really wanna show it
If you're sad and you know it cry out loud BOO HOO
If you're scared and you know it give a shiver "BRRRR"
If you're scared and you know it give a shiver "BRRRR"
If you're scared and you know it, and you really wanna show it
If you're scared and you know it, give a shiver "BRRRR"
If you're silly and you know it laugh out loud "HAHA"
If you're silly and you know it laugh out loud "HAHA"
If you're silly and you know it, and you really wanna show it
If you're silly and you know it laugh out loud "HAHA"
If you're friendly and you know it wave hello "Hi There"
If you're friendly and you know it wave hello "Hi There"
If you're friendly and you know, and you really wanna show it,
If you're friendly and you know it wave hello "Hi There"
If you're excited and you know it shout hurray "Hurr-ay"
If you're excited and you know it shout hurray "Hurr-ay"
If you're excited and you know it, and you really wanna show it,
If you're excited and you know it shout hurray "Hurr-ay"
Dance to the Music
Another fun way to express feelings is to dance to music. Put on some lively music and just let the kids cut loose!
English Muffin Faces
English Muffins
Peanut Butter (or apple butter)
Raisins or Blueberries for eyes
Apples, sliced into different mouth shapes
Raspberries or Strawberries, cut to make noses
Any other items, be creative!
Toast the muffins. Provide spoons and easy access to the peanut butter and allow the kids to "paint" theirs. Then give them the other ingredients and have them make any face they wish.
SO fun and easy. You can find that "shrinky dink" plastic stuff at craft stores. You can use pre-printed ones or even better get the blank ones. Have the kids color them for Dad. Punch a hole in it for the key chain. Make sure to write their name and the year on them BEFORE you bake them.
Once baked, have the kids string some beads onto some yarn. Attach the beads to a keychain ring and the art on the other end. These are so fun because now Dad can carry their original artwork with him wherever he goes!
Great Ideas, thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas,thanks so much!